Our Website’s Grand Reopening


Booking appointments and using your favorite resources just got easier with the launch of our new website. We’re thrilled to announce that our site now works great on smartphones and is even easier to use than ever. 

Some new features you might enjoy:

  1. Resources available in the top nav to aid with your chiropractic treatment

  2. Text me to book an appointment, reschedule or ask questions. Our cell is 516-582-1715

  3. Answers to common questions found in our blog. Check back periodically for helpful tips to aid the way you move, sit, think and live. Our first post talks about how to hold a smartphone without straining your neck.

Our new site was built by Cedar Lane Web Design and the SEO was optimized by SQSP Themes.

Let us know what you think and of course stop by your “chiropractor near me” for a visit in our Babylon location.

-Dr. Bob