Your body has a sciatic nerve that runs from your lower back down the back of each of your legs. Issues in your spine — like spinal bone spurs, herniated discs, or spinal narrowing — can compress that nerve and cause you pain in any of the regions through which it runs. It can also cause inflammation and numbness in your legs. 

Usually, sciatica only affects one side of your body. It’s marked by pain that feels like it radiates from your lower back down your buttock. That pain may radiate through your hamstring or even all the way down to your calf. The severity of the pain caused by your sciatica can vary from a dull ache to sharp, stabbing pain. Sitting can make your pain worse. 


Any person can be affected by sciatica. The condition occurs whenever the sciatic nerve gets pinched, which can be caused by spinal issues, bone growths, a tumor pressing on the nerve, or nerve damage. As you age, your risk of developing sciatica increases. Obesity, jobs that require heavy lifting or extended sitting, and diabetes can also increase your risk.

If your sciatica persists for more than a week, stop in for a free consultation at Main Street Chiropractic here in Babylon. Book an appointment below or call us at 631-983-8500.